Energess was started off by Claire Taylor and Julie Evie, two visionary women in Paignton, South Devon. Soon this group grew until it seemed a good idea to set up a sister group in Exeter.
Claire approached her friend, Jane Chanot, and soon Energess Exeter was born.
The formats of the meetings are simple. A yummy breakfast at a lovely venue, followed by an interesting and energising talk. We've had holistic health experts, astrologers, innovative financial planning and even a full Laughter Yoga session.
Bookings are taken for members about a week before the event, and members then pay the venue at the door for their breakfast.
The Energess aims:
To support fellow women in business
To be positive, helpful and upbeat
To enjoy an energising breakfast that will create a buzz throughout the day
To learn from each other where appropriate
Never to allow a "hard sell", Energess is gentle and welcoming.
Energess always has been non-profit making.
To learn more - just come along to one of our breakfasts - you'll need to book first so contact:
Energess Exeter:
Energess Paignton: