July 2018
Hello my name is Paola Royal I work as a Wellness & Resilience coach
and nutritionist
There is an understanding of how our Mind is
working, an understanding where our experience, feelings, realities
are coming from, the missing link is; Thought in the moment.
All our experience, feelings, realities are
coming via the filter of Thought in every moment, not from outside circumstances.
Not from the weather, other people, your partner, politicians, not
the past or the future or even the chocolate cake you want to eat.
This is a profound constant that has
always been there for humanity just like gravity has always been there.
It will keep you less anxious, stressed,
frustrated or worried and more joyful and alive.
Uncovering the principles behind life will
take you to infinite places beyond your imagination; widen your horizon,
reconnect you with others and our universe.
Evolving in this understanding will result in
being less critical and judgmental, but more loving and understanding towards
yourself and others.
It will leave you more loving, compassionate
and lighthearted in your relationships.
I invite you to find out more about what I
do on my website www.HealthyLivingWithPaolaRoyal.co.uk
June 2018 - Swatting up on Sleep - Kate Guest
Kate's always got a new way of explaining her hypnotherapy business, and this time she shared her top tips about sleep. According to Kate we need to be getting at the least 8 hours sleep every night, PLUS a little afternoon siesta (well that was all the excuse that some of us needed!!!).Breakfast delicious as usual.
And now we have three self-hypnotic inducement ideas to try out - but not at work!
May 2018 - Getting GDPR Savvy
May was a timely meeting with the brilliant Tim Moorey who explained the GDPR regulations in detail - and in ley-person terms. "Essential advice". "Cleared up a worrying mystery" and "What a brilliant speaker" was the feedback received. So, thank you Tim.April 2018 - Time to refresh your aura!
April's breakfast was thankfully snow free and very
sunny! Spring had definitely sprung and
with it talk of a time to renew and refresh.
Our speaker, Sarah Jennings of "Dare to be", had plenty to
tell us about refocusing and empowerment through AuraTransformationT .
For further details go to http://www.withsarahj.com/ where you will find Sarah tells you more about the
work she does.....
March 2018 - The Beast from the East, stops the Best in the West.
March breakfast cancelled due to wintry weather
For the first time in our 7 year history, Energess
succumbed to the weather which certainly came with a flourish!
Thankfully we were all safely tucked up at home on 2nd
March but here is just a wintry reminder of how cold it was that day!
February 2018 - stress-less with Peppa Pig and friends!
Kate Guest brought along a cuddly Peppa Pig toy which had us all puzzled from the start.. until it came for her to give us a great talk about managing our stress. The Peppa Pig element got us all laughing because Kate used this really sweet tool to show us how we are all connected and how our actions impact on each other. Mystery over! (Felt a bit guilty about eating the bacon in front of Peppa though!)
January 2018 - new year, new goals - and back to our old home.
New Year meeting saw Energess return to the comfort of The Snug at The Cosy
The first meeting saw Sue Haswell of Big Results (Training &
Facilitation) guiding and encouraging us in setting our goals for the
year. Sue emphasised the importance of prioritising and being realistic
in what we wanted to achieve and to work with a fellow member and buddy to
provide support over the coming months! As a result we are well set for
making it happen in 2018!
Christmas 2017 - a lovely fun lunch
Twelve of us got together for a delicious Christmas networking lunch at Fresha. We're really enjoying our new venue, and it's a delight to have a room of our own.

this was the perfect time to hand over the mega-cheque for £1000 made at the Family Law Company's annual skittles night.
Naomi from Force was here to collect the cheque, and Jane got a rousing round of applause for all her work.
If you would like to join us at our Energess breakfasts or lunches, just contact Jane Chanot at the Family Law Company and get your name on the list.
We are looking forward to meeting you.
December 2017 - sensational sparkle for the season
Pat Ayerst never fails to bring some sparkle to our December meeting. This time, armed with a clothes rail of utterly desirable - and utterly wearable - gorgeousness.
Pat is a very experienced image consultant so she always knows where to shop for the best looks. (She's also in the know when it comes to the best deals!).
This session Pat took us through a questionnaire to find our wardrobe personality, and then offered some sparkling advice for Christmas parties, as well as a lovely range of warming wonders, coats and hats for sensible glamour. For more information http://www.patayerst.co.uk/
November 2017 - Paola Royale gave us plenty of food for thought!
It's never easy to make the healthy choice at this time of year. We are so drawn to comfort eating and keeping warm. Or perhaps dashing from meeting to meeting, without a moment to grab a bite. Fortunately Paola Royale came to the rescue in our November meeting, explaining our best options for a healthy diet.
October 2017 - understanding ourselves and others through DiSC
October's breakfast was a surprisingly active session, considering we normally enjoy a sedate and fascinating talk. This month, however, we were learning about how to communicate better, and how to understand our own behaviours styles using the DiSC model.
Sue Haswell, a soft-skills trainer and DiSC Facilitator, guided the group through an interactive and intriguing session of DiSC.
Feedback included:
"I can understand my own communication style so much better"
"Now I know what is pushing my buttons with far greater clarity, so I can do something about it".
"It all makes so much sense"
DiSC is a tool that was created in the 1920's and is used worldwide my millions of people and thousands of organisations. For more information: https://bigresults-training.com/disc-and-mbti/disc-facilitation-and-training/
September 2017 - “Our children mirror our broken heart and soul!”
talk was inspirational.
explained how as a single parent who’d attended a parent support group the
importance of this resonated strongly with her as she saw the similar struggles
of other single parents in the group. After setting up in business she
came across ‘Hand-in-hand’ in the states and trained with them. This
looks at
the core of brain science with regard to emotions – something that the
UK didn’t seem to have then but had a culture of ‘seen but not heard’ with
regards children.
went on to explain that strongly displayed emotions are often perceived as
there must be something wrong with the child or the parent(s) or both.
There is a premise that children are supposed to come into this world
co-operative! In fact loud laughter, sweating and other traits are part
of the body trying to detox. When emotion overwhelms us the reasoning
pre-frontal cortex shuts down – this is when say ‘go to your room’ is not an
ideal response as the emotions can’t dissipate. This is when getting a
‘broken cookie’ might be the tipping point for emotional outbursts or in other words
simple things can trigger the emotional floodgates.
the other side of the coin for parents our children trigger the unmet needs
from our own childhoods therefore our pre-frontal cortex shuts down and we
can’t function. They then sense our overwhelm and on it mirrors.
children mirror our broken heart and soul!”
are all trying to be heard, understood and acknowledged. As adults
expecting our children to do that for us is unreasonable which is why you need
another adult to “hear you” as part of a healing process. Our children
need us to accept their strong feelings as VALID. We need to trust rather
than manage, control and steer. It’s okay to have feeling. It’s
okay to set “gentle limits” but know that this will likely trigger
emotions. It has been shown that tears heal as the stress hormone,
cortisol comes out in tears. Ideally you need someone to witness these
tears and hold you through it.
August 2017 - happy, healthy and fabulous!
Our delicious August breakfast meeting was made all the more delicious as we discovered just how good it was for us. Eggs boost seratonin, and avocados are incredibly calming, a real stress-buster. As for the humble oat....!
Carola our nutrition expert gave us an illuminating talk about how to choose the best food for our mood, along with tips to help us manage our willpower, using micro-habits.
For more information about Carola, please visit her website. Also see her offer on the Members page:
20% off a personalised
12-week nutrition and exercise plan. Let me help you to eat strategically to eliminate
your nutritional deficiencies, lose weight and feel better for good! Please
visit www.life-is-good.co.uk/plans for
options and contact me by email or phone to get your discount code.
Carola Becker, Life is Good Nutrition and
Fitness. carola@life-is-good.co.uk
July 2017 - Summer's sensational travel service
Thank you to everyone who came along to our breakfast meeting at Puerto Lounge on 7th July.
Julia's other passion - hospital radio |
If you
want to find out more about what Julia can offer then see please see details
attached so you too can be up, up and away with her help!
June 2017 - Summer Shiatsu Sensations.
June's Energess breakfast was held at the Puerto Lounge in Exeter and our guest speaker was the lovely Wendy Giles.

studied at the Devon School of Shiatsu (and macrobiotics)
to become a practitioner. Wendy explained about the importance of the 5
elements - #fire #earth # metal #water #wood and their relationship to the
changing seasons.
Wendy also talked about taste - salt, sweet, bitter and
pungent - likes and dislikes and explained that the word #Shiatsu means finger
pressure. Wendy practices from her home in Whimple and will always be happy to
have a chat about any issues you may have to see if a session with her may be
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Debbie Stewart |
Wendy Giles <wendy@eastdevonshiatsu.com>
Sharing the hosting
PS: one of the lovely things about Energess is that we sometimes invite other members to "host" the breakfast. And this breakfast was hosted by the fabulous Debbie Stewart, who provided a write up afterwards - also on Facebook.
Thank you Debbie.
May 2017 Breakfast - new venue, Puerto Lounge
Venue and New You!
that is what our members were treated to at our May breakfast with both a new
venue at Puerto Lounge and also an inspirational talk from Kate Guest. Kate
told us of her “personal transformation” where she released herself from an
unwanted career to emerge with “a passion, a thirst, an unending education and
journey forward.”
is now a Life Coach, NLP Practitioner , Hypnotherapists and trainer. Her
new found freedom has allowed her to blossom and help other to as well.
If you
want to know of what Kate does then go to www.kate-guest.co.uk
April 2017 Breakfast
The lovely Sylvia Jackson had us all riveted at the April
meeting sharing the story of how helping a close family member with some
challenges due to his dyslexia led her to embark on the journey to become a
Holistic Health Practitioner and Trainer.
Sylvia uses a combination of
therapeutic techniques including EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, or
‘Tapping’), Kinesiology, Psych-K® and Mindfulness in her work with people of
all ages, and also with animals.
Sylvia gave us a flavour of her work, and of the results
she achieves through her understanding of the “ fascinating world of Retained
Primary Reflexes” which can affect many of us without us even realising. Sylvia
works with people and animals to help with fears and phobias, eating disorders,
learning difficulties, physical development issues, stubborn habits and family
patterns, and now also offers training in Retained Reflex Integration.
She also demonstrated an incredibly realistic steam train
whistle but that’s another talent altogether!
March 2017 Breakfast

Debbie's talk was a great success, as she explained her take on how to do brilliant business, but also protecting our own wellbeing (physical and emotional) at the same time.
By the way - her make-up is amazing ... she distributed samples for everyone so we all got to try a mini-mascara, some moisturise or... (watch-out world!) some energy drinks!
For more information on Debbie, please see the Members Area.
February 2017 - Breakfast

This was even interrupted half-way through with a birthday cake and candles (it was Cathy's birthday) and yet Cathy, the consumate professional, managed to continue with her speech, despite being tempted by the chocolate and icecream before her.
For more information on Public Speaking or to view Cathy's many training courses on speaking and therapy, check out: http://www.exetermindandbody.com
January 2017 - Breakfast at Cosy Club.

The inspirational Judith Smith came along to talk to us about her charity, the Buturi Project. This is a charity based in Tanzania and the Buturi area is situated off the shore of Lake Victoria, in the North-West of Tanzania. The population is 52,000+. Buturi community comprises 6 villages with a population of up to 9,000 in each.
Makongoro is the ‘exemplar’ village which the Buturi Project is focused upon, in partnership with Buturi School Academy.
For more information on Judith's charity - http://www.buturi-project.org/
Goals for 2017
In addition to the inspirational talk, many of us chose to set goals for 2017, and here are the goals. If your name is mentioned here and you want to keep us updated on your goal, please do comment on our Facebook Group.
- Linda Humphries - "Get more organised"
- Lianne Harding - "Lose 2 stone"
- Kate Guest - "helping children to reach their potential, move away from issues towards theor goals and assist families as a whole"
- Emma Finch - "to receive my first client at Satori Holistic Healing retreat on the Blackdown Hills"
- Judith Smith - "Buturi Project - to finish my book, to increase funding for the charity"
- Aline Foster - "to communicate and listen better with my family"
- Pauline Bonito - "profesional goal - I have taken on the role of business development manager for Numberite, in theis role I want to meet all challenges confidently what comes from this bosition. Personal goal: learn ot dance "like Strictly", listen to family members, lose weight and get fit."
- Sylvia Jackson - "My goal for 2017 is to learn the three-quarter shimmy move in tribal belllydancing"
- Kelly Mitchell - "My goal for 2017 is to develop a regular yoga habit and run the Great West Run"
- Naomi Cole - "My goal is to catch up with friends in person rather than just over phone or Facebook"
- Nathalie Andrews - "To BE Nathalia. Leading from the heart with LOVE. To sing professionally with quality musicians, to record and album of jazz and own written songs. To perform internationally in different media (TV/online/cds etc). To focus on health and fitness."
- Sue Haswell - "To find a beautiful and low-cost venue for training, and to start and finish my next non-fiction book"
- Cathy Towers - "To build further the public speaking part of myy career including talks, workshops and coaching, particularly - 1) workshops on relationships with money, 2) speaking about your work."
- Debbie Trewin - "Health transformations despite previous experiences, beliefs or expectations".
Well good luck, ladies. We CAN DO THIS!!!! xxxx
Lunch – 19.12.16
this year’s Energess Christmas lunch a group of our super Energess ladies
joined in the fun, chatter and laughter at the Cosy Club. Sarah Cookson and the
team looked after us with three very yummy courses. What a great
opportunity to get together and celebrate Christmas!
Blog - Sparkle
and Shine
speaker this month was own Pat Ayerst who gave us her “what to wear” advice for
Christmas and very sound advice too! From essential black jeans or velvet
trousers to sparkly tops to pop on for an evening out to party wear the
Energess ladies were treated to a range of super and very affordable
options. Pat also reminded us not to tie our scarves in a loop anymore
but introduced us to other ways to ensure your scarf looks right every time
and, remember, always hold it and let it fall from a corner (not the end of the
scarf) before you put it on.
more tips or to enjoy a personal shopping experience with Pat then contact her
via email on image@patayerst.co.uk
November 2016
Inaugural breakfast at the Cosy Club.
At our inaugural Cosy Club breakfast, breakfasts were
sumptuous and the chatter was energising.
Our speaker, Carola Becker (www.life-is-good.co.uk)
treated us to an informative session of ideas to keep ourselves healthy and fit
through the winter months. But first we decided on a “round the table” of who was here, who does what, and, most importantly ….
What breakfast they chose!
So here are our guests this morning:
October 2016
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So here are our guests this morning:
- Sharon Roberts, Simpkins Edwards Accountants. Cosy Club full breakfast.
- Jenna Mitchell, Rendezvous Wine Bar. Bacon rosti
- Lesley Anderson, Hedgerow Marketing. Avocado and egg on sourdough bread
- Pat Ayerst, Image Consultant. Poached Eggs and Bacon, no hollandaise
- Carola Becker, Life is Good nutritional therapist. Pancakes stack with fruit.
- Ali Foster, Personal Development Coach. One poached egg on brown bread
- Sarah Jennings, Dare to Be aura transformation. Full veggie breakfast, gluten free.
- Debbie Trewin, Transformations. Sausage sandwich with brown sauce
- Anna Marie Waite, Singer Songwriter. Sausage sandwich
- Trish Maroney, Solution Focused Hypnotherapist. Avocado and egg on sourdough bread
- Liz Norris, Family Frameworks. Granola with fruit
- Emma Finch, Reflexology. Vegetarian breakfast with brown bread
- Jane Chanot, Family Law Company. Vegan breakfast
- Sue Haswell, Big Results Training and Marketing. Cosy Club breakfast
- Charlotte Lambeth, Charles Stanley Investments. Poached egg, bacon and maple syrup.
- Tessa Stone, Wild Plumstone environmental art and foraging. Vegetarian breakfast.

Fortunately for us, our breakfast talk this month included
the tip: “it’s OK to indulge
occasionally”…followed up by lots of ideas to keep ourselves in the best possible state to manage our busy businesses and lifestyles.
occasionally”…followed up by lots of ideas to keep ourselves in the best possible state to manage our busy businesses and lifestyles.
If you fancy one of these amazing breakfasts, or to meet our lovely members, or just to find out more, then please do get in touch. We'd love you to join us for our friendly and easy-going delicious events.
October 2016
Anniversary lunch, Tee'd up for fun all round.
Now you'll probably notice the absense of any photograh here... and that's because although we are normally quite efficient and get photos wherever we go - this time we were having so much fun we completely forgot :-)
So here's the low-down: to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the lively and lovely Energess network, we decided to go for lunch at the Cosy Club. A table was booked for 10 of us, although about 20+ turned up (we lost count at one point).
The Cosy CLub was very accomodating and even allowed us to rearrange the tables into a strange but workable "T" shape (T for Terrific, Talking or just "The best way to seat everyone and let us still chat")
From our intimate seating situation it was lovely to just talk to whoever plonked themselves next to you. We heard tales of how our members' businesses have flourished in the past 5 years, the challenges they have faced, and how they have overcome them. We caught up with members past through their friends, and we greeted new faces.
The Cosy Club was so completely cosy that we have decided to move our breakfasts there too. Come along and meet new friends, share business challenges and pick up hints and tips to help you work better, more efficiently, or just to have fun.
September 2016
Now you'll probably notice the absense of any photograh here... and that's because although we are normally quite efficient and get photos wherever we go - this time we were having so much fun we completely forgot :-)

The Cosy CLub was very accomodating and even allowed us to rearrange the tables into a strange but workable "T" shape (T for Terrific, Talking or just "The best way to seat everyone and let us still chat")
From our intimate seating situation it was lovely to just talk to whoever plonked themselves next to you. We heard tales of how our members' businesses have flourished in the past 5 years, the challenges they have faced, and how they have overcome them. We caught up with members past through their friends, and we greeted new faces.
The Cosy Club was so completely cosy that we have decided to move our breakfasts there too. Come along and meet new friends, share business challenges and pick up hints and tips to help you work better, more efficiently, or just to have fun.
September 2016
Setting sail with
social media for marketing and PR
own Lesley Anderson of Hedgerow Marketing was our speaker for September.
was a clever, practical and interactive session which showed us how important
it is to have a clear direction for our marketing. Without it, as we all
illustrated with our paper aeroplanes, your ideas can end up going everywhere
but where you want them to land and that is with those who you seek to do
business with. Lesley introduced us to some amazing websites to use to
make your marketing work for you and keep it fresh and up to the minute as well
as keeping the costs down. In conjunction with her invaluable tips,
we were reminded of holiday times with her pictures of the blue waters of
Greece from Lesley’s sailing holiday! Wonderful!
your life!!
That was the
message from Energess member Debbie Trewin who shared her story at our August
breakfast and explained how she has used her experience to help others find
solutions regarding the challenges and barriers we face in achieving our
potential both in business and other areas of our lives. Debbie emphasised that
we may all have those who inspire us but we must not lose sight of the fact
that we, as individuals, are inspirational too! Hold that thought!!
Thank you Debbie –
you are an inspiration!
June 2016
"Life Is Good"... Life is great!
It was great to see everyone at our monthly breakfast at the
Hampton by Hilton Exeter.
Our guest presenter was Carola Becker from Life is
Good who is a personal fitness instructor and nutrition expert. We learnt about
what is good and not so good to eat, how we can improve our diet and of course
how we should exercise more!
The session was full of helpful tips and some
myths also! Plus advice about shedding those extra pounds and feeling fit and
raring to go.
It’s all about what we eat and how active we are. Carola’s advice
and tools make you feel great and look great,
whatever your goals, whatever your stage in life so we are now going to be
living a healthier life! Check out her website http://www.life-is-good.co.uk/
May 2016
Just one more for the road………….
But just what does that mean in terms of our health and
At our May breakfast meeting Stephanie Chivers quizzed us on our
awareness of alcohol units! Trish was top of the class but it was
surprising to most of us how much a unit truly represents and the extent we can
deceive ourselves by the size of the glass your wine or champagne/prosecco are
served in!
Stephanie used this to show how easy addiction can be.
Stephanie has specialised in helping people with their addictions and habits
for the last 10 years.
Amongst other things, Stephanie has developed a 21 day
confidential self help tool called ichange 21. This is designed to teach
anyone how to reduce, gain control or stop their unwanted habit or addiction,
be it eating junk food, shopping, sex, alcohol, or any other habit they would
like to change.
Stephanie showed us how passionate she is about making sure people have the right information to help them make better choices about their health. As well as her on line programme she also provides 1-1 coaching, training and consultancy.
Stephanie showed us how passionate she is about making sure people have the right information to help them make better choices about their health. As well as her on line programme she also provides 1-1 coaching, training and consultancy.
Stephanie told us how she has always been fascinated
by behavioural change and helping people to overcome damaging habits, and
that she has successfully helped thousands of people to overcome their unwanted
addictions. For more information please visit ichange21 at www.ichange21.com.
April 2016
message in massage!
I am sure we are all guilty, from time to time, of pouring over our lap tops and PCs with shoulders hunched as we work at our desks day in and day out!
At our April meeting our
speaker, Derek Lowe, demonstrated his massaging skills on our own Carola
Becker. There is no doubt that Carola’s experience conveyed itself to the
room such that we all felt very relaxed by the end of breakfast!
Derek certainly made us realise
that we need to take time out from our busy schedule to look after our
bodies. A regular 20 minute massage can be a restorative! If you
want to know more then go to www.mmcwellbeing.co.uk
March 2016
From Russia with ... style!
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Jane and Julia show off their awards |
Well done ladies.
Breakfast glamour!
Energess members were treated to an array of fashion, style and glamour at March’s breakfast meeting.
Not only did we enjoy a presentation by Nathalie Andrews, who displayed her talents as a designer and maker of bespoke clothing, but we also had the pleasure of meeting her friend, Olga, who dropped in (by helicopter) to update us with news of celebrities and her own jet set lifestyle. And what a life she has! Not only does she have numerous homes but numerous kitchens within each which Olga confessed is a room she still does not understand the use for!
What an entertaining morning! Both ladies can be seen in our breakfast photos…in fact, come to think of it, Olga does bear an uncanny resemblance to Nathalie……
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Left to Right - Nathalie and Olga or is it? |
February 2016
Stress no more
Our February attendees enjoyed a hearty breakfast followed by a 1 minute introduction by each lady telling us what they do, who they are etc. This was followed by a wonderful talk from Paula Ward about managing stress which I’m sure we all related too! Paula invited us to participate in shutting our eyes and some deep breathing exercises to relax us, eradicate stress & let us empty our minds of all the things that whirl around our minds on the daily basis which worked well with the ladies! Such a calm & soothing voice!
If you would like to contact Paula or find out more about her counselling & coaching then details are on her website at www.paulamartin.co.uk or for Reiki, Readings & Women’s Circle visit www.sacredmewithin.com
January 2016
In the Moment

Anna also helped us to formulate our own words and tunes to sing to ourselves when life becomes demanding and we need a little lift!!!
Anna will be performing “In the Moment” and many of her other wonderful songs at the 5th Plymouth Dementia Conference on 4th March 2016. And if she isn’t busy enough she will also be one of the “Wonderful Women….. Sing” event from 7pm on 7th February at the Exeter Phoenix Voodoo lounge in aid of Phonic FM Community Radio Station!
Anna is the writer of the Energess anthem “As you are” which you can find her performing on You Tube!
December 2015
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Many of us have always wanted to trek the himalayas, visit mystical places, follow mountain paths and embrace a journey of a lifetime - yet few of us have done it. So it's a joy to not only know someone who has taken this incredible challenge, but who is happy to tell the tale - all of the tale. "The good, the bad and the ugly" as Sarah Daniels from Force explained.
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Sarah is in the middle, accepting a chq on behalf of Force |
Set to a classical Tibetan soundtrack, Sarah took us through the stunning experience, including some extremely close shaves, which included near-death, near-death and yet more near-death events!
(We won't spoil the plot, just in case you ever get the opportunity to watch Sarah's show.)
Photographs were incredible, scenery gorgeous, and even better was the opportunity to see the lovely items that Sarah brought back from a womens working co-operative. So watch this space for more information about what-Sarah-does-next.
Who needs "dinner and a show" when you can enjoy an Energess Breakfast like this.
November 2015
Award winning hospitality and relaxation on a Friday morning!
Not only was it a treat to enjoy our usual wonderful breakfast provided by the Hampton by Hilton but we were also fortunate enough to have our own Emma Finch enlightening us with her explanation of the history and technique of reflexology.
With a willing volunteer, Emma was also able to demonstrate her skills which left us all feeling very relaxed as well as educated in how reflexology can help us cope with the stresses and strains of life!
Finally, congratulations to Julia White and the team at Hampton by Hilton for their award from the top people at Hilton. We are very lucky at Energess to be looked after by them every month!
October 2015
Energess wants you to be “As you Are”…….
Our 4th Anniversary breakfast was celebrated with Energess’ wonderful songstress Anna Marie Waite. Anna shared with us her life’s experiences which had led her to find her true path and love through writing songs and performing..
This was beautifully illustrated by the singing of what she has kindly referred to as the Energess anthem: “As you are”. Anna played this track from her new EP and then invited us to sing along. Not only were we inspired by her work but also by her beautiful singing and we look forward to hearing more of Anna particularly at the next Ladies’ Networking Lunch “Get together” on 26th November 2015.
If you want to hear or see more of Anna then please go to her Facebook site which is www.Facebook.com/AnnaMarieWaite or you can find her on YouTube (as I have discovered)!
Who would have thought that by the 4th Anniversary we would have our own anthem reflecting the true meaning behind Energess. Thank you Anna for inspiring us further!
September 2015
Are you Functioning Well?
Lisa Portman and Terry Bainbridge are very well known to Energess Ladies and, as ever, their enthusiasm and passion for guiding us and helping support us with monitoring our health was evident at this month’s meeting.
Lisa and Terry are now working with Doctor Rajendra Sharma who is a leading Integrated Medical Doctor who “utilises conventional, functional and complimentary medicine.” Dr Sharma’s specialist interest is Chronic Disease and Lisa and Terry are now working with him, in conjunction with their Thermalogial Thermal Screening, to help find the route of more challenging conditions to assist in their treatment from and including Digestive issues and IBS to Stress, Anxiety and Depression and Hormone Imbalances.
For more information you can visit www.functionalhealthscreening.co.uk
For Energess Ladies it is good to know that there are other options out there for screening with the help of members who are involved in providing alternative means by which these conditions can be treated.
August 2015
What would Descartes say??
I have no doubt that he would have been pleased to know that as “the father of modern philosophy” this subject has been brought into the 21st century by Julia Ward and Ali Shorer of Articulacy.
Julia and Ali shared with us their philosophy for business to help us with how we manage our businesses, our policy making and making us more effective communicators.
Added to this we were fortunate to be offered workshops to look in greater depth at these subjects at a brilliant discount for members and friends. For more details see our events page.
Cognito ergo sum!
July 2015
Solid as a Rock!
That was the message given at breakfast from Dr Ron Hensley at our July meeting. Equipped with electric guitar and riffs from numerous rock songs, Rob gave us an insight into his coaching practice called “Rocked Logic”. Rob explained how he progressed to the world of coaching from being a Marine Biologist and also from his love of music as a performing musician. This is the first time we have had a speaker with musical accompaniment and how well that got Rob’s message across.
If you would like to find out more about “Rocked Logic” then please go to Rob’s website at http://www.rockedlogic.uk/ or contact Rob by email info@rockedlogic.uk
June 2015
“Hound dog” or “Jailhouse Rock”??!!!
These were the options given to Energess members at the presentation given by Phil and Sandra Sampson of Sampson Hall at this month’s event and how we all jumped at the opportunity to sing along!
Sampson Hall’s presentation centred on the importance of understanding failure and identifying lessons to be learned from it. With their guidance we all acknowledged how much we learn from failure and how we can and do pick ourselves up and move on. There is no doubt that we have a resilient and determined membership which was particularly highlighted by the enthusiasm shown to sing a few Elvis standards!
In the end we all agreed that, with help from Sampson Hall, Energess members ROCK!
May 2015
"Lead with your heart".
Debbie's illuminating talk showed how she had faced a challenging situation and had risen above it through listening to her heart, and by doing everything the opposite to conventional 'wisdom'.
Debbie said: "Once I opened up to unconditional love, and recognised that unconditional love is the greatest power I have, everything just became so much easier. Doors started to open, and my life started to take a turn for the better. I urge everyone to consider how they can tap into this amazing power, and use it for themselves and their business".
Debbie's business is now in bespoke consulting, coaching and design, for those who want to discover and achieve more beneficial and successful outcomes in business and their own life.
April 2015
Full marks to FORCE and The Hampton by Hilton!
The Hampton by Hilton presented a lovely venue and an amazing breakfast thanks to their Manager our own Julia White. Hot and cold goodies were on offer and were very well received!
Energess Exeter's chosen charity is FORCE. To reflect our continuing support of FORCE, Sarah Daniels and Annie Kerr were our first speakers testing us our knowledge from both statistics on the charity and its work as well as cleverly linking this in with The Hampton by Hilton and the USA.
Whilst those doing the quiz did not achieve 20 out of 20, full marks to Sarah and Annie for educating us in such a fun way.
March 2015.
Tears of Sadness and Goodbyes
Our sincerest thanks is given to everyone who has looked after us and in particular to Gwen Seale and Shirley Madge, Sarah, Naomi and Heather! To re-enforce our support of FORCE, they will be speaking at our next meeting at the new venue of Hampton by Hilton.
Thank you again to everyone at FORCE. Keep up the good work of the care and support that you give to so many affected by cancer.
“… I’ll be your pin cushion for the morning!”
These are the words preferred by Energess member Sharon Roberts of Simpkins Edwards when we were looking for a volunteer to experience acupuncture administered by Dr Judyth Aarons at our March meeting.
Thank you again to Judyth for this demonstration. If you are interested in finding out more then please do contact Dr Judyth Aarons at her South Lodge Acupuncture Clinic which details can be found on her website www.southlodge acupuncture.co.uk.
New Venue for April!
Energess Exeter will be starting at its new venue of the Hampton by Hilton out by Exeter Airport with effect from 10th April 2015. Breakfast will be the usual first Friday of the month but this is the exception as the 3rd April is Good Friday.We shall be reverting to our original time for breakfast between 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. Hampton by Hilton’s details are in the link below with details of how to get to the venue.
February 2015
"Let's see you sitting up now!"
Cathy showed us what a difference this can make to your business relationships by assisting us to feel more confident, at ease with ourselves and with our colleagues and clients and how they too can benefit.
Cathy is running workshops including one entitled “Freeing your future” on 25th April 2015 in Central Exeter. For more details got to: www.cathytowers.com or call 07989 564660
January 2015
New Year! New Goals!
Sue Haswell is Director of Big Results Training (www.bigresults-training.com) who provide guidance from Communication Skills, Stress Management and Personal Resilience to Mental Health awareness and Neuro-linguistic Programming. Sue’s details can be found on the members page.
An added bonus was the presentation of a cheque for £1500 by Kirsten Parrick and Jane Chanot of the The Family Law Company by Hartnell Chanot to Sarah Daniels of FORCE following a very successful Skittle night last November 2014!
Happy New Year to you all!
December 2014
Let it Ho- Ho- Ho!
A distinctly Christmas theme to this meeting - and what a meeting! We enjoyed a delicious breakfast at Force, sponsored by Thermalogica who also offered every one a discount on their thermal-imaging body health scans. (For more info: Thermalogica)
This was followed by the magical Pat Ayerst who demonstrated the most fabulous Christmassy ways to wear outfits that may well already exist in our wardrobes (and if they don't she even gave us tips on where to get them from. Note; H&M!!!!. Who'd have thought it!?)
We were all blown away by the simple and snazzy suggestions that Pat provided, and a few of us rushed off to top up our festive wardrobes... mentioning no names (Maggie!)
Next up: Sue Haswell and some Festive Laughter Yoga. Warm-ups with Santa and Sprout laughter (don't ask) followed by a little carolling and even George Michael got a look-in, as we sang along to Last Christmas, with actions and laughter.
Wham would have been proud!
Well you can't say we don't have fun at Energess. Best of all, our networking is combining fun with networking, supporting each other and supporting Force. What's not to love?
Now we are totally prepared for Christmas, Energess-style ... bring it on, Santa!
November 2014
Learning about the three S’s
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Dr Rani Bora |
It was acknowledged by all that in our every day modern life we juggle so many things and learning how to recognise this and give ourselves time is so important to ensure that whatever we do in life it is productive and meaningful.
"Rani put the very serious message across in a fun and engaging way. We all learned a lot about the way that we deal with stress, and gained tools and techniques to help in the future".
October 2014
Mr Motivator or should I say Mrs Motivator!
To help celebrate with breakfast followed by cake (with sincerest thanks to FORCE for providing this) the Energess members were treated to a motivational talk from Carol Carpenter of Carol Carpenter Training.
Carol and her team provide training from motivation to management and leadership development, using innovative learning and development strategies that equip participants with the confidence and ability to go out and make a real difference.
Energess members certainly thought so. For more information go to http://www.carolcarpenter.co.uk/
Here’s to another year of meeting up for laughter, fun and breakfast, of course!
September 2014
Celia really is speaking successfully!
August 2014
A personal organiser of a different type!
Inspirational walk for inspiring talk
Another wonderful and informative Energess breakfast, hosted by FORCE Exeter. Today we were treated to a very impressive and inspirational talk by Sally Burn-Jones on her 500 mile walk through Spain to Camino de Santiago, the Pilgrims route. This was accompanied by some beautiful pictures of the area (including some very sore feet!) We all felt quite humbled by her supreme efforts and promised to go to the gym tomorrow!
June 2014
“Cross my palm with silver!”
We awoke to another glorious morning of weather as a prelude to our June breakfast. As ever the sunshine happiness spread amongst the ladies of Energess who were rewarded with another wonderful breakfast prepared by the volunteers at FORCE followed by a morning spent looking at our hands. On this occasion not holding a mobile telephone to check for calls, texts and emails! No we were looking at our hands to find out what the future has in store through the eyes of our expert speaker Sara Delphi who guided across the lines on our palms, all explained by her knowledge of palmistry.
Sara will give consultations on palmistry, tarot and astrology. For more information please visitt her website at http://www.saradelphi.co.uk/
“A FORCE to be reckoned with!”
An array of fruit and herbal teas, coffee and juices awaited us upon arrival followed by a lavish breakfast. We were presented with 2 highly informative talks by two members of the team namely Annie Kerr and Mo Theodosius who spoke of their specialist support in breast cancer nursing and counselling. If you want to learn more about FORCE then go to their website which is http://forcecancercharity.co.uk/
Everyone was so impressed with their work and the importance to support such a worthwhile, local charity that FORCE agreed to be our new venue.
Our sincerest thanks goes to everyone at Buckrell Lodge for looking after us for the last 2 ½ years!
APRIL - Crystals
Neil and Zena Hammond are Angel Certified practitioners™, Angelic Lightworkers, Usui and Angelic Reiki Masters/Teachers, Atlantean Healing Masters and Crystal Therapy Masters/Teachers
Our journey started in the Mid 90’s when we were drawn to visit various ancient and spiritual sites across the UK and the world, including Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury, Tintagel, Machu Picchu in Peru, Chitza Nitza in Mexico, Luxor in Egypt, We also had an obsession with everything Atlantean. We did not understand at this stage why we were so drawn to these places and why we were so obsessed.
It wasn’t until 2008 when we started to be drawn to Angels and Crystals, we were reading every book we could and collected Crystals to have around us. We saw an advertisement in a spiritual Magazine inviting people to an Angel evening, so we decided to go and following that evening we just knew that this was the path that we must take.
We continued to go to workshops and we had various readings done for us including a number of Past life Regressions which answered so many questions. Both of us have had Spiritual past lives as priest / priestesses working with the Angelic kingdom giving various types of healing.
"2014 - the year for yellow"
March was a bright and breezy affair, with speaker Pat Ayerst explaining the benefits of wearing yellow! Yes, we all looked a little aghast, until Pat showed how yellow can look fabulous - it's just a matter of knowing which yellow works with our various colouring.
A great whistle-stop tour of what's going to be appearing in our High Streets, what's hot and what's not, as well as a delicious breakfast amongst friends.
Two new members, Marie and Dominique, both said they had a fabulous time, and we look forward to our next meeting in April.
"Breasts and Breakfast"
January's networking breakfast kicked the year off with a very informative![]() |
Lisa and Terri front left |
Thermologica offers thermal scanning services which can show up areas of potential disease, including breast cancer, using the principles that diseased tissue, inflammation etc, is warmer than healthy tissue.
Together Terri and Lisa explained how they offer a simple, painless radiation-free tests to help monitor the body's health. They specialise in breast-screening, full body scans, pain visualisation and sports injuries.
For more information please visit: www.thermologica.co.uk
We are so fortunate to have talented members of Energess - who also have amazingly delicious businesses!
In December we were delighted when Katie from ChoccieBar arrived with armfuls of chocolates to entertain us!
Her talk was truly inspiring - as Katie divulged how she launched her business and is already dealing with top-notch corporate clients in just one year! But once we tasted her chocolates (oh yes, there were tastings!) we all knew why!
Katie's choccies are nothing short of heavenly. As it was December she whisked up an incredible white chocolate and mince pie ganache! This was followed by a white-chocolate tasting, and another ganache of white chocolate and mango puree!
Of course, some of us (the author of this blog, maybe?) managed to get a pre-tasting of ganache on their breakfast toast. Seriously delicious!
I think December's meeting totally summed up what Energess is all about: A high-energy meeting, excellence in business practice, interesting and engaging speakers... and that nobody takes themselves too seriously, because when the outrageous offer of "white Christmas chocolate ganache on toast" went out - there was a stampede!
Our November meeting in Exeter enjoyed an inspirational and often hilarious speech by Cathy Towers who, in 2003, completed the Plymouth to Dakar Banger Rally!
All kudos to Cathy (pictured left) sporting an original African dress and waving a piece of fishbone that she found... in the desert!!!
Cathy Towers (left) and Jane Chanot. Both in original African dress. |